DC Universe Online Legends # 25 Preview

Everyone knows about Dc Universe Online the video game but did you know that there are comic’s connected to it ? DC Universe Online Legends comics have been out for awhile now but the nuts and bolts of the story is the war between Brainiac and all the heroes and villains of Earth is getting closer to its epic conclusion . Take a look at the small preview of what is to come .
With casualties left and right, the team on Earth must depend on Lex Luthor to gain the insight they need to defeat Brainiac and save their planet before it’s too late. But when a Green Lantern falls and their ring chooses Luthor as their successor, will Luthor still be able to lead the team? Or will the temptation that comes with the power of a Green Lantern ring prove to be too irresistible for him to see clearly?

Source –DC Comics
I'm a BIG Batman fan. Back in the day I would write scripts and get my friends together to make Batman movies. From real Batman suits to a wide collection of Batman stuff from over the years I have never have grown up when it comes to Batman. I go to Comic cons and dress up in full Batman (Nashville's Dark Knight) gear and hang out with fellow comic fans and take pictures. Hanging out with friends is always a blasty blast when they can find the time or when I can. I'm a big movie buff or at least a little buff lol. I love the extreme activities. White water rafting, playing paintball, just about anything I can get into. I have been in a few different kinds of Martial arts. Sometimes I go hunting on the family farm but its rare. When I lived in Bell Buckle I was on the BBVFD for about 5 years