Since Christopher Nolan got the suits of Warner Bros. to not only like…but love his screening of The Dark Knight Rises. You might get the chance to see a private screening of The Dark Knight Rises with family and friends. Every love has a price and it is this. You must pre-order or reserve the new Nokia‘s Lumia 900 brought to you by Rogers. Once you have either pre-ordered or reserved your Lumia 900, you will enter the chance to get a private screening only one can win! So, get your friends to put some money together to buy one phone and cross your fingers praying you get picked.   You will not only win a private screening of the movie, but also get a special edition The Dark Knight Rises Lumia 900. Check out the sweeptakes and the phone. If you have a Nokia Lumia 800 it’s time for an upgrade. The sweeptakes end April 9th, so move!

Leave your comments below. Tell us if you have the Lumia 800 and how awesome it is. Or if you have already entered are you crossing your fingers?

Source- Nokia Lumia 900 via Cosmic Book News