Arkham Unhinged # 1 Comic Print

Just a quick heads up for any comic book fans that didn’t already know that on 4/11/12 DC Comics released “Batman: Arkham Unhinged”  the digital comic was put to a actual print copy now so you can get in your hands on it and it’s only $2.99 . I think it’s worth it .

Batman Arkham Unhinged #1

Writer: Derek Fridolfs

Story: Marly Halpern-Graser, Paul Crocker and Sefton Hill

Art: Mike S. Miller

Letters: Travis Lanham

This story arc issues #1, #2, #3 follows Hugo Strange trying to capture Two-Face, Batman and Catwoman, and then send them to Arkham City.








Expect to see “Batman: Arkham Unhinged 2nd story arc issues #4, #5, #6  Coming May 9

Hugo Strange captured Two-Face and Catwoman, and now is in search for Batman. Meanwhile, Commissioner Gordon searchs for evidence on Strange in hopes to bring him down . Also Batman discovers a connection between Strange and Mayor Sharp .









Source –wikia

– Adam







I'm a BIG Batman fan. Back in the day I would write scripts and get my friends together to make Batman movies. From real Batman suits to a wide collection of Batman stuff from over the years I have never have grown up when it comes to Batman. I go to Comic cons and dress up in full Batman (Nashville's Dark Knight) gear and hang out with fellow comic fans and take pictures. Hanging out with friends is always a blasty blast when they can find the time or when I can. I'm a big movie buff or at least a little buff lol. I love the extreme activities. White water rafting, playing paintball, just about anything I can get into. I have been in a few different kinds of Martial arts. Sometimes I go hunting on the family farm but its rare. When I lived in Bell Buckle I was on the BBVFD for about 5 years --------------------------------------------------------------------------------