TeleMadrid Broadcast Shows Off Some Of TDKR Sets – Spoilers

A Spanish news broadcast by TeleMadrid  has possibly given us some spoilers.  Who knows, it is in Spanish.  If anyone is able to translate this for us, please do!  But, this  broadcast interviews a few people who worked on The Dark Knight Rises, including Lindy Hemming.  It also shows off some of the sets that are going to be in the movie, including the prison that we have seen in the trailers.  Even without being able to understand what they are saying, you can still understand that this is an awesome video to watch!



I have tried to translate the best that I could from the site that describes the video.  It does confirm some things we pretty much knew, that Bane dwells in the sewers below Gotham, and that Bruce Wayne does become imprisoned.

Here is a crude translation.  I apologize for how crude it is, but you may have to read between the lines…

Also, I added the Spanish version below the English translation, for anyone who is able to read Spanish and maybe able to clear up how crude the translation is…  Thank you in advance!

Here is the translation:

In The Dark Knight Rises, the Batmobile and the Gothic style buildings that house have been hiding Gotham City for six months between cows and tractors, in a rusty hangar built in 1917 and nearly forgotten since. The village of Cardington, in the peaceful Berdforshire, an hour north of London, has welcomed last year’s production of The Dark Knight Rises.

Months before the arrival of the main cast, with Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, the bad, and Gary Oldman in the lead, the technicians and set builders have worked to offer the cast and audience a grand finale of the trilogy “dark”, directed by Christopher Nolan.

Under the declining industrial structure have buildings constructed ten stories high, besides the prison where the hero will be locked away and sewers in which dwells the elusive Bane. A villain wearing a breathing mask with a constant narcotic (anesthetic) gas that relieves pain of old wounds. The scene of the culvert is announced dramatically.

Until then we have gone to tour the stunning scenery, close in on the cells, walking proud of the man-bat bunker and interview some of the architects of this saga, people usually do not get in the papers. For example, the costume designer Lindy Hemming, who told us about the outside and inside the Batman costume, and what is done. A suit fit for men without complexities and more or less athletic skills.

Here is the original Spanish version:

El Caballero oscuro, el Batmobile y los góticos edificios que albergan Gotham City han estado escondidos durante seis meses entre vacas y tractores, dentro de un herrumbroso hangar construido en 1917 y casi olvidado desde entonces. La villa de Cardington, en la apacible Berdforshire, a una hora al norte de Londres, ha acogido durante el pasado año la producción de El caballero oscuro: la leyenda renace.

Meses antes de la llegada del reparto principal, con Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy -el malo- y Gary Oldman a la cabeza, los técnicos han trabajado para ofrecer al espectador un espectacular cierre de la trilogía”oscura”, dirigida por Christopher Nolan.

Bajo la decadente estructura industrial han construido edificios de diez pisos de altura, además de la cárcel donde quedará encerrado el héroe y las alcantarillas en las que habita el escurridizo Bane. Un malo ataviado con una mascarilla por la que respira constantemente un gas narcótico que el calma el dolor de viejas heridas. La escena de la alcantarilla se anuncia espectacular.

Hasta allí nos hemos ido para recorrer los impresionantes decorados, encerrarnos en las celdas, pasear orgullosos por el búnker del hombre-murciélago y entrevistar a algunos de los artífices de esta saga, las personas que habitualmente no salen en los papeles. Por ejemplo, la diseñadora del vestuario Lindy Hemming, que nos ha contado cómo es por fuera y por dentro el traje de Batman, y de qué está hecho. Una vestimenta apta para hombres sin complejos y aptitudes más o menos atléticas.

Source: TeleMadrid