The movie is nearing so they’re giving us a bit more tease to milk the marketing. I am a slave to the TDKR marketing, I’m a fiend and so are you. They gave us new production stills. These are brand new productions stills. When I say brand new, I mean spankin’ new. These have not been seen before. I definitely love how Alfred is instructing Selina to do her job as a “maid.” It’s like “Boy, don’t be tellin’ me how to do my job. I will rob you.” LOL! John Blake is leading the children away from the bus, I still feel like his place in the movie has everything to do with Batman. Is he Azrael…sadly no. Is he important enough to fret about, yes. Clearly, he must have been an orphan or have a tender heart for kids. Classic hero status for Blake. There are more images below so check them out. Comment below.

Source- CBM
