The Dark Knight Rises earns over $800 Million Worldwide!!

 As we all wait to see the how much The Dark Knight Rises (TDKR) will rack up, it still surprises me that we continue to pull in more and more money even now 3 weeks later. The Dark Knight Rises has exceeded $800 million in the worldwide box office becoming the 30th biggest movie ever, and the second biggest movie of 2012. We may not be first, but at least we are something, and fear not we still have another release in China so it will again bring more cash and add to this 800 million dollars we have. I believe that we can make it to 1 billion…It’s possible! I am seeing the movie for the seventh time sometime later tonight, I’ve seen it 3 times in normal theaters and 3 times in IMAX, just between us I’m trying to break a personal record of how many times I’ve seen a movie in theaters, I can’t tell you what the other is because it’s a little embarrassing, just know that I saw that movie 8 times…so I plan on seeing TDKR 9 times or 10 times just to beat that record and put it to rest. Anyway back to the story.

It’s amazing that The Dark Knight Rises has earned more overseas than it has here in the U.S. You would think it would make more here, but I guess that may have something to do with the tragedy in Colorado…My heart goes out to those victims and their families stay strong! We can only hope that justice is served and hope is restored. We still have a lot of time to make more than 1 billion dollars and beat The Avengers, I know times are tough, but if you have only seen TDKR once, go again and try to see it in IMAX I promise the experience is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before! It’s absolutely mind blowing.

Source: nme
