It’s rumor day, everyone! The rumor of the day is “Will there be a Batman reboot before Justice League and when will this happen?” Click the jump to see what’s going on.

Grain of salt, purely rumor! Batman on Film has dished out yet another rumor where an insider has claimed the following down below:

“Don’t worry about the Batman [film] franchise, it’s [Warner Bros.’] most valuable [DC Comics-based] asset. I believe that they are now looking at introducing [the rebooted] Batman in a solo film, though that will likely take place later than they initially had planned. They are extremely worried how a [the Batman film franchise] would be affect if JUSTICE LEAGUE bombs…and rightfully so. If Superman [this Summer’s MAN OF STEEL] is huge, then they’ve bought themselves some time and will have a franchise to hang their hat on for seven, eight years. The need for Batman won’t be as great, and [the reboot] of that franchise can wait until the Superman trilogy is done.”

Alrighty, then! I’m glad to see the executives being very worried about the Justice League movie bombing because it would have an effect on most of the characters. For some, yes Batman is the S*** and be won’t be affected too drastically as the other characters. However, when things go south of nowhere like Joel Schumacher’s run on Batman. Everyone was afraid of seeing Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins for fear of the campy Batman experience from Schmacher’s run. It’s logical to be afraid so they need to come up with a plan. batman-TDKR1-batpod1-610x405

Their plan is to bank on the Man of Steel being a success. In fact, the whole DC universe depends on this one Superman movie to make it so that not only can Justice League be made, but also a Batman reboot can be made as well. Now pushing aside Justice League for the moment since it is looking bleak as hell and it may not happen just yet. Let’s move onto the Batman reboot for a second. Here’s the deal, if Man of Steel is successful then we won’t see a Batman reboot until 2019 or 2020. This is about six to seven years from now, which would be a good time to do a reboot because everyone would have calmed down from Christopher Nolan’s franchise and would want a new Batman to come onto the scene. The new superhero for next decade will be Superman. Now, if Superman bombs then we won’t be seeing Justice League any time soon and we’ll be getting a Batman reboot much earlier let’s say around 2017. This will be four years from now, and everyone will still want to go see Batman because The Dark Knight Trilogy was the S***!

Good for Batman fans, good for the world. It’s good to know that Batman will always be bankable.

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Source- Batman on Film