LEGO:Batman 2 Coming to the Wii-U!

lego batman 2 superman and batman


The wildly popular “Lego Batman 2” game is finally coming to the Wii-U this year!  Warner Brothers confirmed the release for later this Spring.  Through the use of the Wii-U, players will get a new gaming experience through the implementation of the Wii-U Gamepad.  According to the Warner Brothers Interactive Press Release:

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes will take advantage of the innovative Wii U™ GamePad controller. Players will navigate through Gotham City using an enhanced interactive map and select their favorite DC Comics characters to assemble a powerful team of heroes, all with the use of the controller’s touchscreen. They can even enjoy the entire game experience on the GamePad in off-TV mode, or have a second player join in on the TV, so they can fight crime together without having to share a single screen

Our friends at IGN gave the game an 8.5/10 on the other systems, which begs the question to be asked; “Will the Gamepad live up to the hype?”

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Source- IGN