March madness is here, green is in the air. So, here are some toys from Batman: The Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited. Click the jump to see more.

March madness is here, green is in the air. So, for most of this month I’ve been BTAS experiencing a bit of nostalgia. When I was five years old, I went away with my parents on vacation and found in a toy store near by the hotel we were staying at. There I found my first Batman toy, it was the 1993 Kenner & Hasbro Batman The Animated Series Bruce Wayne figure.  It is 5″ inches in height. Bruce Wayne includes snap-on Batman armor. I loved that toy to death and when I moved to a new house, I left it behind accidentally. It’s a pain in my heart to know that I left it behind. But, one must go on.

Anyway, here are some March madness Batman toys from the best animated shows. It’s the Mission 3 Masters Mountain Pursuit Batman (MM 3 Mtn)  and Justice League Unlimited Batman (Tech Suit Variant with gas mask).  MM3 Mtn Batman is acutally is a repaint of Claw Climber Batman from the first Mission Masters Line. JLU Batman is a green variant with a cool gas mask.

See some of the figures below.






So, what was your first Batman toy?

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Source- Batman The Animated Toys