PREVIEWS: Catwoman #19 Gatefold cover and Justice League of America Guest Star

Since the whole WTF/Gatefold covers have been teased, we knew that the Justice League of America was on the cover.  The previews definitely ties Catwoman to curernt and upcoming events in the Justice League of America title with references to the Secret Society of Super Villains including referencing Justice League of America #3 not out yet for another couple of week. Also with the use of Arkham Asylum, there could be cameos of some of the unseen Batman villains and maybe some new villains.  Finally the title of this issue is “Slam”, could Slam Bradley debut this issue with the upcoming events in Catwoman and the Catwoman Annual?

CTW_Cv191100CTW_19_1628 CTW_19_2628 CTW_19_3628  CTW_19_4-51100

Will this issue spoil Justice League of America #3?  What Batman related characters will appear with the Arkham Asylum reference?  Will the Justice League of America use help this title?

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Source: Crave Online