Team Galag Teases Tumbler for 2013 Gumball 3000

This is to cool . Over at Yahoo UK Movies News they posted pictures of where a group calling themselves “Team Galag ” are making a replica ” Tumbler “. Inspired from the Christopher Nolan Batman movies series .

t11Inspired by the imposing ‘Tumbler’ version of The Caped Crusader’s car, as seen in Christopher Nolan’s ‘Batman’ series, a group of Florida based friends undertook the epic build for a cost of around £1 million.
The men, who call themselves Team Galag, regularly compete in the infamous Gumball 3000 rally where the rich, and occasionally famous, drive across Europe in the world’s most exotic cars.

The car will be on its way to London later this month, where after being shown off in the capital, it will head off to Copenhagen, Denmark for the start of the 3,000 mile rally.

Team Galag is made up of a number of anonymous car enthusiasts aged between 21 and 34, hailing from the UK, Germany, USA and Saudi Arabia .

I wish I had the money to higher these people to make me a Tumbler . Rush hour traffic would be a blast ! The story continues on in greater detail so for more info head over to the source .

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Source – Yahoo UK Movies News





I'm a BIG Batman fan. Back in the day I would write scripts and get my friends together to make Batman movies. From real Batman suits to a wide collection of Batman stuff from over the years I have never have grown up when it comes to Batman. I go to Comic cons and dress up in full Batman (Nashville's Dark Knight) gear and hang out with fellow comic fans and take pictures. Hanging out with friends is always a blasty blast when they can find the time or when I can. I'm a big movie buff or at least a little buff lol. I love the extreme activities. White water rafting, playing paintball, just about anything I can get into. I have been in a few different kinds of Martial arts. Sometimes I go hunting on the family farm but its rare. When I lived in Bell Buckle I was on the BBVFD for about 5 years --------------------------------------------------------------------------------