Check out the character designs of the new animated feature, Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox by Phil Bourassa. Click the jump to see them all.
Phil Bourassa (animator and illustrator) has been doing animation for Young Justice for all seasons and a few months ago fans go a view at new version of Cyborg. Everyone thought this Cyborg was going to be for Teen Titans Go! How wrong were we? Teen Titans Go! is still a good show for it’s targeted and select audience making it a huge success since it’s first premiered episode.
Anyway, the illustration of Cyborg shown a few months back was for the new animated feature Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox. Phil Bourassa did the character designs for each of the characters found in the feature. See what he says about the feature:
Phil Bourassa
Over the last few months I have been getting a lot of questions here on DA (Deviant Art) about what my next project would be and when it might be announced and released. Also, I am thrilled to say, that a lot of you awesome friends and fans have expressed the idea that following Young Justice, you would like to see more DC animation work from me. Well I am happy to reveal that the next project featuring my design work is the recently announced Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, directed by the super talented Jay Oliva, and it will hit the streets on July 30th. I did the designs for this film last spring and summer (after production wrapped on YJ: Invasion) and we just finished post production on the project last month. I gotta say that thanks to all the tremendous talent involved in making this thing, it’s looking pretty epic. I personally pushed my style into a slightly more exaggerated look for much of this film and I hope those of you who dug the look of Young Justice will get a kick out of seeing the style evolve. I can’t say much more than that right now, but I will have more stuff to share as we get closer to the release date.
Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox will be released July 30th as Blu-ray/DVD, see the character designs down below.