Previews: Talon #8 Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark

With the events of last issue with Bane “killing” Calvin, this issue will shed some more light on Calvin’s Talon connections.  This issue also should have 3 storylines play out.  First would be the resurrection of Calvin and see what kind of effects the resurrection will have on his mind and body.  Second is the continuing of the Bane story that will now go on thru issue #11.  Finally as it happened in Birds of Prey #20, this issue should connect or lead into the Birds of Prey/Talon crossover starting next month with Styx vs Talon and going to Santa Prisca.

What will the aftereffects be of Calvin’s resurrection?  How will he confront Bane?  What leads the Birds of Prey and Talon to Santa Prisca?

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Source:  Ain’t it Cool News