‘Batman’ runs for Boston with Marines in Afghanistan


It takes a lot to run a half-marathon in hundred-degree weather. I know I could never do it. But imagine now running in a full Batman costume in the middle of the Aghanistan desert. That’s exactly what Scottish reservist Staff Sergeant John Castle did at the Marine Corps Historic Half Forward half-marathon May 19 at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan.

But why? Why dress as Batman in a hot desert and then run a marathon? Castle said he did it to help raise money for the victims of the Boston bombings.

“I chose a Batman suit because I thought it would be a great idea to raise funds and the dafter the better. Everyone knows who Batman is and this would increase the donations for this cause.”

From the marathon, Castle said he’s raised $300 so far. But he’s not stopping there. He’s going to run in the Batsuit again at next year’s London marathon.

Source: The Military Times