German Amazon Offers Steel Box for Batman: Arkham Origins is offering an exclusive steel box for Batman: Arkham Origins. Click the jump to see more.

If you haven’t pre-ordered your Batman: Arkham Origins yet – I’m happy to say I received it as a birthday present – and you’re European (or your 360, PC, or PS3 is outfitted to play PAL games), you might consider this awesome little pre-order bonus that is offering exclusively. Did you get that? Exclusively. They will let you know at great length how exclusive this offer is.

Anyway, if you pre-order the Batman: Arkham Origins Day 1 Edition, which is what they’re calling the Origins bundle pack that includes the Deathstroke DLC, then you may receive this neat little steel box for free. It’s pretty cool, if you’re into random collector’s items. Be warned though, that it doesn’t include anything special, it’s simply a bonus box for your game disc. I know I was utterly puzzled at the seriously reduced price, but quickly found the pre-order page to clarify it.

Take a look at this beauty:



Yeah, yeah. I know the caption reads Xbox 360/PC, but they are literally the same picture. There’s nothing different about the pictures. I promise. I would never alienate PS3 fans, even if I did own a 360.

I’m a big fan of it and may consider getting it in the future, as they’re offering it separately at the aforementioned reduced price. They’re the exact same thing as far as I can tell, but they’re offering it in two separate versions, I’m assuming due to differing box sizes not seen in the photos provided. Of course, for the 360/PC and the PS3.

Will you be getting these steel boxes? Is it worth it to own? Let me know.

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Adam Poncharoen​sub

Adam Poncharoensub is a blogger, movie critic, and Born-Again Batman fan. When he’s not chained to his desk writing, he likes to spend his days spreading the gospel of the Dark Knight in the treacherous suburbs of Miami or working under Dropping Loads Productions, where he co-hosts a comedy podcast and produces sketches.