New Writer To Join DC Family

Recent college graduate, Marguerite Bennett, is not only a former student of the awesome Scott Snyder, but has also been recently asked by Snyder himself to help with the upcoming Batman Annual #2, and Justice League #23.2: Lobo.

Newsarama was able to get an interview with Marguerite, who says of her recent graduation:

I just graduated from Sarah Lawrence’s MFA Writing Program and now have a degree in Not Sleeping and Making Ramen Noodles Last Two Meals.


That face doesn’t look like one who spent days on end, miserable over no sleep or food variety. But then again, graduating is a pretty exciting moment. Especially when shortly thereafter, you’re asked to help write Batman and Justice League comics.

Check out the full interview below, and let us know what you think in the comments. Don’t be a stranger, either! Head on over to our Facebook and say hi, and check out our Twitter!

