Black Mask Playable Pre-Order Content Revealed

The more I hear about this game the more excited I get.  Earlier today I was speaking to a friend about what we were excited for in the new Arkham Origins.  Myself, I’m pretty stoked to see some Deathstroke action with my interest in the character peaking in the last few months.  My friend on the other hand is pumped to see Black Mask in action.  Well, good news for him and Masks’ many other fans as it has been announced that Black Mask DLC,  comes with two new challenge maps which you get to play through as the mob boss himself.  And best of all, its free!  I’m not one for pre ordering things these days but with my excitement for the game rising and some cool DLC with awesome characters, I will probably shell out the five bucks or so to get this.  How many people are excited about this news?  Is there any other character you would like to see get this treatment?  The Joker perhaps??

arkham origins blackmask

Source: Arkhamverse