DC Crushes Marvel For September Sales

September was a very good month for DC’s sales. Last month was Villain’s Month, and with all these cool new one shots that were released to cover the plethora of villains in the DCnU, it’s no shock that DC made bank that month, beating out it’s biggest rival, Marvel. DC’s share of the direct market went up 10%, from 30.16% to 40.39 %, while Marvel’s fell from 36.3 % to about 29.83%. I know what you might be thinking though. Wasn’t this all the 3D covers doing for why DC sold so much? Actually, while it did contribute, it is not the only factor. but things like graphics novels and the regular units both rose as well, by roughly 2% each.

Of the top ten titles of September, DC had five of the ten spots, with Forever Evil #1 taking the first spot. Other top DC contenders were Batman #23.1 The JokerBatman #23. 2 The Riddler, Batman #23.4 Bane, and Batman 24.3 The Penguin, in that order. Every single Batman issue brought in major money, and I can’t really blame them for wanting to read more about those particular rogues from his gallery. Check out these nifty pie charts for more information how DC is doing in relation to the other comic companies.

Source: Bleeding Cool