Batman Arkham Collection Announced, Origins On Sale For Black Friday

Okay so Arkham Origins has landed with some pretty good reviews (others might disagree) but for those who either have not picked up the latest title, not played any of the games, or have played the games, gotten rid of them but want another run through then this bit a news will be a treat for you.


Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment have just announced the  release of Arkham Collection.  Details are as follows for your respective system of choice:

Windows includes: All three titles, Asylum and City being Game of the Year Editions

PlayStation 3 includes: All three titles, plus the Knightfall DLC for Origins

Xbox 360 includes: All three titles, no further info on included dlc or if Asylum and City will be GotY editions


Arkham Collection will be released in the UK first on November 22 with the stateside date yet to be released.  In the meantime, you can pickup Origins for $20 bucks off at most retail locations that sell video games.  Surprisingly, I have yet to see a price drop for GameStop…nice.

Source: Cosmic Book News