Batman’s Backstory for Batman vs. Superman?

Moviepilot has posted an interesting article, claiming to have the inside scoop on he upcoming Man of Steel sequel. True? False? You decide, but take a shot of salt first.


Just a few of the rumors:

  • Batfleck will be 40 years old, retired.
  • Except for several details, the events that took place in the NolanVerse are going to be Canon. Talia’s involvement in the events of TDKR will not be canon, the supposed death of Bane is also not canon. Other small details are made non-canon.
  • After the events of TDKR, BatFleck retired to rebuild Gotham as Bruce Wayne. Robin (in the TDKR but not played by JGL) becomes his first protege as NightWing. There is a 7-year time period between the event in the TDKR and MoS. So, BatFleck has been retired for 7 years.
  • During this time, knowing that crime needs to be dealt with, BatFleck constituted the BatFamily: NightWing, BatWing, BatGirl, RedRobin and Robin. The latter died at the hand of The Joker who escaped during the TDKR’s event but then reappeared. As a way of getting BatFleck’s attention, the Joker devised a plan to attack one of his proteges. He targeted the youngest and less experienced one – Robin. He killed him and BatFleck has been blaming himself day and night for it, this sets up a Batman: Under The Red Hood solo movie.
  • In addition to his BatFamily, BatFleck has launched a bunch of BatDrones & BatAndroids (“BatArmy”) Bruce Wayne is one of the most influential man on the planet due to his rebuilding agenda in Gotham, and the rise of Wayne Enterprises.
  • Gotham City is basically led by Bruce Wayne&Wayne Enterprises by day and the BatFamily & BatArmy by night. Bruce Wayne has to find time to manage both sides. And, he does. There have been speculation that Bruce Wayne is an ally of the Batman. Bruce admits that he’s been “financing” the Batman. But, he says he’s never actually met the Batman. He argues that the Batman is making Gotham City a safer place. He argues that without the Batman, Gotham would have been destroyed. This is, of course, the general consensus in the populace. Hence, the fact that he’s siding with Batman does not really raise any concerns.
  • BatFleck is concerned by the events of MoS. Bane’s terror in Gotham is still fresh in his memory; the reconstruction of Gotham is not completely done. Everyone saw what this alien is capable of. BatFleck is the world’s greatest Detective and Prep. Expert; he decides to research every single details there is to know about Kal-El.
  • Bruce Wayne wants to get involved with the reconstruction of Metropolis. This means that Wayne Enterprises and LexCorp have to work together. He’s not thrilled about it but it’s for the greater good.

The site goes on to note : “These rumors are probable, but yet to be officially confirmed by the studio.”

My thoughts? BS.

There’s no way the events of the Nolan world will be referred to AT ALL in the movie. That’s my largest complaint. Also, the batfamily’s backstory seems too detailed, and would be way too much to explain in a movie that doesn’t even concern them that much. Some of the ideas I’ve read online before, like the “Batandroids” (ala Kingdom Come).

Nice try movie pilot, but I don’t think so. But who am I to say some of these “rumors” aren’t true?

Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

The as-of-yet unofficially titled Batman vs. Superman movie is slated for a May 6, 2016 release.


Source: Moviepilot

Ryan Lower

A lifelong fan of the Dark Knight, Ryan Lower grew up far from Gotham in Indiana but has planted roots in Chicago. A writer for a T.V. station, he also enjoys brooding at home in his own batcave, devouring Batman comics, shows and movies.