Mattel’s SDCC DC Comics Toy Display: Better Look at Red Hood in ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’

This weekend is the mecca of all geeks and nerds alike, San Diego Comic-Con. We’re getting spoiled this year when it comes to Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, but let us not forget that there’s some other fantastic Batman-related stuff we can be talking about. Mattel, the famous toy manufacturer, had their booth ready to showcase their upcoming toys.

At that booth was, of course, their DC Comics display featuring tons of little goodies. ToyArk managed to snap nearly 100 photos, but the one that stands out most to me is the Red Hood from the upcoming Rocksteady Arkham swan song, Batman: Arkham Knight. It was just revealed last week that Red Hood will be in the game, but the featured image had the vigilante’s head bent over, obscured by his actual red hood. I was questioning whether or not he would have his red helmet. The picture is telling us that he does.


I’m not particularly pleased with the design of him thus far as I’ve always preferred the helmet to have eye holes and more detail than two bolts at the corners of what would be his mouth, but I have faith that Rocksteady will NOT let me down. As noted by Eric Joseph, it does tell us that Jason Todd is likely not the Arkham Knight. The plot thickens.

Otherwise, there’s a lot of cool other toys to peruse through, ToyArk is also listing that Mr. Freeze is in Arkham Knight, so that’s very interesting. Also, looks like we’re getting also getting a look at the the Batman Unlimited toy collection as well as some 1966 Batman gems as well.


Check out the rest of the photos over at ToyArk!

Source  – ToyArk (Arkhamverse)

Adam Poncharoen​sub

Adam Poncharoensub is a blogger, movie critic, and Born-Again Batman fan. When he’s not chained to his desk writing, he likes to spend his days spreading the gospel of the Dark Knight in the treacherous suburbs of Miami or working under Dropping Loads Productions, where he co-hosts a comedy podcast and produces sketches.