Blu Ray releases for Young Justice And Batman: The Brave And The Bold

Announced at the ‘Batman For All Seasons’, at the SDCC, Young Justice season 1 and Batman: The Brave and the Bold season 2 will be getting BluRay releases some time this year. Young Justice has a set date of August 12th, and the date for Batman: The Brave and The Bold will be forthcoming.  For fans like me, who like to buy their cartoons with that crisp Blu-Ray like quality in all-in-one collection, this is definitely something worth pre-ordering.  While Young Justice was tragically cut down after two seasons, it can live forever in your collection of various Bat and DC related Blu-Rays and DVDs. The Blu-Ray for The Brave and The Bold is also a long time coming, and I hope that the next season is released swiftly as well.  You can pre-order Young Justice’s Season 1 BD here.

Source: The Outhousers