Pivotol Issues of Batman, Justice League & Superman Hit Shelves Today

If you expect to walk into your local comic shop today to find only Convergence books, you should know that several marquee DC titles are now available for purchase. Not only that, they look to be game changers. The latest issues of Batman, Justice League, and Superman are either concluding a defining arc or setting up one to come. It all leads to Free Comic Book Day, which I will discuss in a bit.

For your reading and viewing pleasure, here are some brief descriptions of what you can expect to find on shelves this week and their respective covers:


Batman #40

The conclusion to Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s “Endgame” arc seeks to shake the Batman/ Joker dynamic to its core. There’s no hyperbole here: this issue will change things forever. Spoilers are out there, but I’m electing to avoid them until I’m able to read the issue myself. This issue also sets the stage for Batman #41, which hits shelves in June, and will be the start of a radically new status quo.





Justice League #40

This is what Geoff Johns has been building to since the inception of The New 52! He and artist Jason Fabok will pit DC’s most iconic heroes against the universe’s most powerful villains in the prologue to “Darkseid War.” If the title didn’t spell it out, the Justice League will be caught in the crossfire as Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor battle for control of the cosmos. This one also promises to change the status quo for the premier superhero team.





Superman #40

After completing an arc with Geoff Johns, comic book legend John Romita Jr. gets the sandbox all to himself for one issue as he gets to write and illustrate the Man of Steel’s latest adventure. In this installment, Superman tests his newest found power against an unlikely foe – the Justice League!






The Multiversity #2

Before we discuss Free Comic Book Day, I must make mention of The Multiversity #2, which is also available this week. The concluding issue of Grant Morrison’s magnum opus sees a ragtag group of cosmic heroes do battle with the greatest evil the multiverse has ever seen. If that’s not enough to capture your interest, take note that art is provided by the powerhouse team of Ivan Reis and Joe Prado.






If you want to get an early look at how different the DC Universe will be in June, this is the book to get. Available this Saturday, May 2, Free Comic Book Day, you can own this special issue at the cost of nothing. Contained within are previews for June’s issues of Batman, Justice League, and Superman. Believe me when I say that the creative teams are taking these titles to some very unexpected places. If you are unsure of where to find a comic shop near you, please head to  www.freecomicbookday.com.




Images courtesy of DC Entertainment.






Eric Joseph

Eric Joseph

After falling into a vat of chemicals, this fellow adopted the name "Eric Joseph." Some say he is a freelance writer, while others say he can be found frequenting conventions and nightspots in the Detroit area. Needless to say, he prefers his background to be multiple choice.