Batman Returns: Collectible Figure Sets By Hot Toys, Coming Soon

Hot Toys collectible figure sets of Tim Burton’s Batman Returns (1992) shall become available later this year, near Q3 or Q4, and will be available in two sets — one with Batman and one with both Batman & Bruce Wayne.  Both sets appear to be as heavily detailed as possible, while the Batman & Bruce set showcases Michael Keaton’s face with a high levels of accuracy and precision, but you can be the judge of that by taking a gander at the photos below.

Here’s the Batman set:

Here’s the Batman & Bruce Wayne set:

We don’t know how many times Batman will be rebooted, revamped, retold, or redone within filmic variations, simply because the possible answer is: endlessly.  However, we can memorialize and display our favorite iterations of Batman in numerous ways, one of which is to acquire a nicely detailed figure of the Bat.  Show some love for Batman Returns, and check out these figures!!!


Source: Comicbook