Tony Daniel Talks Robins, Teases Cassandra Cain’s New Design in ‘Batman & Robin Eternal’

Yesterday, we reported on an interview with writer/artist Tony Daniel, wherein he discusses getting the gig to draw a few issues of Batman & Robin Eternal. It looks like the guy’s doing his rounds with the press, as another interview has cropped up from Comic Book Resources, in which he discusses how important the character of Robin means to him.

Daniel explains that, like many of us, Dick Grayson is his favorite Robin and how he grew up with the character from the Batman 1966 TV series. “Watching the old Adam West/Burt Ward Batman TV series, Dick was the Robin we all grew up with. He is the definitive Robin because he was the first. He’s like the Sean Connery of the James Bonds. He’s always been my favorite Robin.”

Glancing over the cover of issue #1 and seeing Dick as Robin, CBR asks if Dick will suit up in the familiar tights once again in the series. Daniel explains that Dick will not don the tights in present day, but we will see him as Robin in flashback scenes, “We won’t be seeing the present day Dick Grayson donning his old Robin uniform. Instead, we’ll see Dick as Robin opposite Bruce Wayne as Batman in flashbacks.” I suppose the story will be split between present and flashbacks.

However, the real news comes from CBR’s question about Cassandra Cain, which will be the character’s first appearance in the new 52 continuity.

Daniel said of Cain:

I can tell you she has a very strong impact in the first issue. It’s going to be fun to see her again, but she’s Cassandra Cain. She’s not going to be wearing her Batgirl uniform or anything like that, but everyone knows who Cassandra Cain is. I think readers are going to get a real kick out of it and enjoy seeing her back in action. I hope people like the new design and the cool action that we have planned for her.

There you go, not only is the character returning to comics, but she will have a new design courtesy of Tony Daniel.

What do you think? Ready for a new Cassandra Cain? Let me know.

Batman & Robin Eternal #1 will be released on October 7th. The weekly series will span 6 months.

Adam Poncharoen​sub

Adam Poncharoensub is a blogger, movie critic, and Born-Again Batman fan. When he’s not chained to his desk writing, he likes to spend his days spreading the gospel of the Dark Knight in the treacherous suburbs of Miami or working under Dropping Loads Productions, where he co-hosts a comedy podcast and produces sketches.