Zack Snyder on Rumors, Robin, and Responsibilities

Zack Snyder addressed rumors, Robin, and responsibilities that come along with the DC’s Extended Universe in a recent interview with Yahoo.

Snyder is teaming with Doritos for the final “Crash the Superbowl” competition, in which contestants submit a 30-second Doritos ad to be shown on the Super Bowl 50 telecast, with the winner getting a cool $1M prize and the chance to work on a DC film.

Snyder answered questions about the Doritos competition, but also spoke on his responsibility on the upcoming DC movies. Film icon, Stephen Spielberg recently bemoaned mega-budget Hollywood, saying the superhero movie genre would likely, “Go the way of the Western.” In response, Snyder took responsibility upon himself and fellow superhero filmmakers:

“I think it puts more pressure on us, the filmmakers, to not just crank out superhero movies for the sake of it. To me, the one thing I love [about] working in the DC universe is that Superman and Batman and Wonder Woman are American mythology. It’s not about making a superhero, it’s a mythological universe… I hope [that mythological universe] stands the test of time… But, who knows what audiences will want in the future. To me, it’s about the drama, the humanity of it. Those are like Shakespearean characters, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent, they have inherent drama built into their makeup.”


Taking on characters with the history and following of DC’s “Big Three” is a huge responsibility. Add to that the ever-expanding stream of new characters being included in March’s Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Snyder may have a challenge staying on point. Addressing the issue of character gluttony, Snyder says he tries to stay focused – “There’s something really fun about bringing the other characters in, but it’s really about staying central to the real core mythology – [it] is what I think the audience enjoys most.”

Rumors surround most major films – especially superhero films. Snyder remarks:

“There are so many, it’s insanity. It’s funny because every now and then someone will touch on something that’s kind of true, but the next thing they say makes me realize that they took a wild guess. They’ll say something and I’ll say, “Oh snap, they must have seen the script.” And then they’ll say, “And this happens!” And then I’ll go, “They have no idea what they’re talking about.” It’s fun for everyone to speculate and take shots and think of things and try to sell it. There’s an industry in selling your guess. [People think], ‘I’m going to make a fake script and look like I read the real one.’ What length are you willing to go?”

The director singles out a specific rumor about his son playing Robin in the upcoming Dawn of Justice. “It’s not true. Now there are all these images of him that people have made where he’s dressed like Robin. It’s fun to hear and see them.”

This photo on Twitter sparked rumors of Snyder’s son playing “Robin” in the upcoming film.

When asked about his involvement with the rest of DC’s Extended Universe, including roles as producer on upcoming films like Suicide SquadWonder Woman, and Aquaman, Snyder said, “I’m staying with Batman v Superman and Justice League and Justice League 2 — those are my main responsibilities, as well as producing the other movies. That’s the main line. Once you get Justice League, you’re pretty deep in it.” He continued, saying it shows a “giant berth of opportunity with the DC movies now; I think [there are] opportunities for even young filmmakers to even get involved because there are so many projects.”

Zack Snyder has his hands full with his responsibilities on DCEU films. But, it’s nice to see him so excited about the opportunities DC is providing filmmakers and taking the all the rumors in stride. This bodes well for fans of the superhero movie genre, particularly those who lean into the DC Expanded Universe!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is scheduled to open March 25, 2016.

John Hagmann

John Hagmann

John Hagmann is a Staff Writer at Dark Knight News, specializing in writing reviews of team-up titles. John collects Silver and Bronze Age 'Justice League' and 'Batman' titles, as well as anything Classic TV Batman. For more than fifteen years, John has devoted his life to service through the local church working in Youth, Family, and Culture. In addition to his work and writing, John has an M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary and is a candidate for ordination in PC(USA). John resides in Houston with his wife and three kids.