Gotham’s New Villains Take Over The City

In this DCTV edition of DC All Access, we learn more about the upcoming season of Gotham. Theo Galvin and Tabitha will be the primary villains for the season according to actor Ben McKenzie, and hints that they may become characters we might know from the Batman mythology.

Theo appears to be a wealthy man who has come to Gotham to clean it up and make it more livable but harbors a dark secret. Featured is some other information like how the fight at the end of season 1 was preformed or how fast characters like Edward Nygma will descend into villainy. Robin Lord Taylor and David Mazouz who play the Penguin and Bruce Wayne, respectively, give their own input on what they want to see further down the line as well as some info on how rough around the edges the Gotham take on Alfred Pennyworth is.