Frank Miller’s First Cover for ‘Dark Knight III’ Minicomic


Not much time goes by these days without us reporting on something having to do with The Dark Knight III: The Master Race. The latest bit of news comes in the form of more cover art. No, it isn’t another variant or even for the first issue proper – it’s for the minicomic contained within.

In case you forgot, each issue of DKIII will contain a 16 page Dark Knight Universe comic that expands upon, well, the universe spawned by Frank Miller’s Dark Knight tales. Sure, we’ve seen characters from the larger DC picture in these Batman centered tales, but have you ever wanted to find out more about how these characters exist in this unique world? That’s what the minicomic intends to explore.

Each minicomic will be written by Frank Miller and Brian Azzarello and illustrated by a variety of different artists. The first focuses on the Atom. You can see Frank Miller’s cover below, which very much evokes The Dark Knight Strikes Again.


The Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1 arrives in comic shops November 25.

Image courtesy of DC Entertainment.

Eric Joseph

Eric Joseph

After falling into a vat of chemicals, this fellow adopted the name "Eric Joseph." Some say he is a freelance writer, while others say he can be found frequenting conventions and nightspots in the Detroit area. Needless to say, he prefers his background to be multiple choice.