Packaging for Mattel’s ‘Batman v Superman’ Wonder Woman Barbie Surfaces, Batman Gets a Ken Doll

Mattel is likely the toy manufacturer who will putting out the most merchandise for the titanic event of 2016 known as Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Tons of action figures have already hit your local toy stores. Apparently, a few news sources are reporting that their BvS Barbie figures are currently in stores, but if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll see that fans haven’t really caught sight of them yet.

Now, in the summer of 2015, Mattel unveiled their Wonder Woman Barbie doll, which was debuted at Comic-Con. The Interwebz somehow unearthed the packaging of Wonder Woman… and a Batman Ken doll. Who knew? There is no official word from… anywhere. However, there are photos.

Batman-Barbie Wonder-Woman-Barbie

These are pretty interesting collectibles. It’s a market for two different collectors: Barbie collectors and comic book collectors. The convergence of two worlds! There isn’t much more info regarding these suckers, so if you happen to catch them out in the wild, let us know! We’ll love you forever.

Adam Poncharoen​sub

Adam Poncharoensub is a blogger, movie critic, and Born-Again Batman fan. When he’s not chained to his desk writing, he likes to spend his days spreading the gospel of the Dark Knight in the treacherous suburbs of Miami or working under Dropping Loads Productions, where he co-hosts a comedy podcast and produces sketches.