Details on The Flash’s Appearance in ‘Batman v Superman’ Revealed

EW is running a ton of press on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice this week. Their print issues have released two covers, one with Bats and the other with Supes. The marketing is reaching its zenith now that the flick is only 19 days away. 19! Can you believe it? Nearly 3 years of waiting.

Regardless, the EW article has a few cool pieces, which they use to bury the juiciest tidbit at the end. Which is what I will do now to increase the anticipation.

EW begins by reflecting on how this movie will be the cinematic debut of Wonder Woman, which is likely the most famous and most iconic superheroine in the world.

Gal Gadot speaks on how proud she is to play the character, especially for her daughter.

“Most of the movies, the men are in charge, the men are the most powerful ones. You’ve had Superman and Batman and everyone, but Wonder Woman was never there. I’m so happy when she grows up she’s going to see a female figure she can be inspired by.”

Zack Snyder chimed in, also expressing pride, but commented on her large role in the movie:

“The hardest piece, and probably the most rewarding, was Wonder Woman. You have to establish her but don’t give it away; don’t cash it all in. She’s enough in the movie where you definitely feel her presence. And she makes a huge impact on the film. But there are giant mysteries still surrounding her at the end of the movie.”

Mysteries, which will likely lead into her first live-action solo movie.

The article moves on to the Batman of this universe, exploring his motivations and the beef he has towards metahumans. “The idea that there are more, that’s hopeful and also terrifying to him. Because then they could make humans even more powerless – or they could serve on our side,” says Batfleck.

As seen in the trailer, there’s also a shot of the Robin suit, on which Geoff Johns teases, “We’ll be exploring that. No one says specifically the name of which Robin that is.”

They briefly touch upon Suicide Squad, where Batfleck admits that we should keep a watch for his character.

However, all of this just buries the bit of news that has the Internet frothing at the mouth. Gotta give it to EW for holding back and not treating this bit with sensationalism.

In the marketing material seen thus far, Batfleck seems to have a post-apocalyptic vision in which he encounters Parademons and the Omega symbol, the mark of big baddie Darkseid. EW reveals that throughout the film, both Supes and Bats suffer through dream sequences that seem to warn of the coming of Darkseid. This sets the stage for Ezra Miller’s Flash. The Scarlet Speedster appears in one of Batfleck’s dreams delivering, what EW calls, a “cryptic message.”


From there, we are left to interpret if the Flash was simply a part of Batfleck’s vision, or if it really was him traversing through time and space to warn the Caped Crusader. Snyder explains that “We had such a straightforward narrative, on one hand, I wanted this other layer of the movie to be complicated and bizarre.”

I’m quivering with excitement right now. It’s all so mysterious, I love it. I’d imagine that they’d use Batfleck’s visions to further fuel his gripe with Supes. With the Flash appearing in his vision, he’d be made aware that there are more metahumans, increasing his apprehension and his bias towards them.

What do you think? Is this a good way to introduce the Flash? Or should it be more subtle?

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will hit theatres on March 25, 2016.

Adam Poncharoen​sub

Adam Poncharoensub is a blogger, movie critic, and Born-Again Batman fan. When he’s not chained to his desk writing, he likes to spend his days spreading the gospel of the Dark Knight in the treacherous suburbs of Miami or working under Dropping Loads Productions, where he co-hosts a comedy podcast and produces sketches.