Review: Cyborg Vol. 1: Unplugged

cyborg vol 1

Writer: David F. Walker

Artists: Ivan Reis & Joe Prado

Collects Cyborg #1-6, DC Sneak Peek: Cyborg #1

Several DC characters who were long in need of their own solo ongoing series have been granted them within the past year and have seen recent review coverage on this very site. The latest to receive that treatment is Cyborg, who deserves it more than most, not only because he has been a member of the Justice League for a few years, but also due to the fact that he has a major motion picture coming in 2020.

Luckily for us, writer David F. Walker has a firm grasp of the character and never forgets about the man inside the machine. Joining him are Ivan Reis and Joe Prado, who are arguably one of the best artistic one-two punches in all of comics. Yes, some other artists come in to assist here and there throughout this volume, but the transitions never take you out of your reading experience.

You probably noticed from the cover art that Victor Stone is looking a bit more human these days. Near the start of the book, he endures critical system damage and actually dies, albeit temporarily. Soon after, a mysterious protocol kicks in that regenerates his body. Taking the journey with Vic is part of the excitement this book offers, as his symbiosis with technology is presented extremely well. Perhaps this is the perfect era for him to finally emerge as an A-list hero.

I must admit the story feels a bit grandiose for a solo adventure. Our hero deals with robotic beings from another universe, leaving me to wonder if playing it smaller and more personal should have been the route to go. Don’t get me wrong, what’s offered is executed rather well, but you probably know what I’m getting at. Superman and Green Lantern deal with threats of a similar magnitude on a regular basis. Perhaps I or anyone else who may have had this thought need to consider that we just don’t have any other Cyborg material to compare to.

It’s just that when the Earth deals with a full scale alien invasion, you expect the Justice League to be called in, whom we do see briefly because they happen to be occupied elsewhere. It’s actually the Metal Men, however, who show up to provide support, making me wish Cyborg handled this thing by himself. As regular readers of my reviews may remember, I really don’t care for them. Although a team effort is required to combat such an extreme threat, make no mistake that this is Vic’s story.

cyborg vol 1 body

What fans will also like about this is that you get to see what Vic’s life is like outside of the Justice League. He has friends, a cat, and even likes to where clothes now and again. Residents of Detroit will also take an added interest when they see him about town.

The important thing to take away from this book is that Cyborg can carry his own title. Walker and company have given us an intriguing page turner that happens to include a cybernetic war that is fun to witness. Loaded with twists, turns, and no shortage of intelligent writing, Unplugged is a great adventure for the current era featuring a hero who knows your browser history.


Eric Joseph

Eric Joseph

After falling into a vat of chemicals, this fellow adopted the name "Eric Joseph." Some say he is a freelance writer, while others say he can be found frequenting conventions and nightspots in the Detroit area. Needless to say, he prefers his background to be multiple choice.