Kevin Smith Speaks on Geoff Johns’s Process of Co-writing the Solo Batman Movie with Batfleck

Last year, in July, it was revealed around Comic-Con that Geoff Johns was co-writing the solo Batman movie with Batfleck, which he will also star in and direct. Superfan Kevin Smith is confirming that even further and explaining how the two worked together.

In a recent episode of Fat Man on Batman, as you’d imagine, the Smith and his co-host Marc Bernardin got into a discussion on Batfleck and that’s when Smith tells a story about the last conversation he had with Geoff Johns. Recently, Smith got to spend a lot fo time with Johns when they were filming the Dawn of the Justice League special that aired on the CW that aired in January.

Smith asked if Johns was in fact working with Affleck on the Batman, to which Johns replied in the affirmative. Curious, Smith asked how the processing of co-writing a script would be like.

Smith said:

“I said, ‘What’s it like, man? How do you co-write with someone?’ And he’s going, ‘We just break it up, he takes halves and I take halves and then we write, and then we switch material, and then he goes over mine and I go over his.”

Smith, however, remains incredibly optimistic, having faith in his old friend. He claims that Affleck is a “self-correcting animal,” in that he will analyze all the negative feedback from Batman v Superman and use it to build his Batman movie. Smith proceeds to list his recent resume, with his directorial efforts earning Affleck a ton of Academy Award buzz, so Smith poses the question of whether Affleck can create a Oscarworthy Batman movie?

Listen to the episode here, the discussion on the solo Batman movie begins around 57:20:

Ben Affleck is an Oscar-winning writer and Geoff Johns is one of the most prolific and acclaimed comic book writers around, so there’s potential for this movie to be great. Considering BvS, I remain very cautious.

What do you think? Excited for this solo Batman movie? Or a little unsure? Let me know.

Adam Poncharoen​sub

Adam Poncharoensub is a blogger, movie critic, and Born-Again Batman fan. When he’s not chained to his desk writing, he likes to spend his days spreading the gospel of the Dark Knight in the treacherous suburbs of Miami or working under Dropping Loads Productions, where he co-hosts a comedy podcast and produces sketches.