No Batman Anytime Soon For ‘Gotham’

No Batman Anytime Soon For 'Gotham' Dark Knight News

While most would come to the logical conclusion that both the character of Bruce Wayne on Fox’s hit show, as well as the actor who plays him, David Mazouz, are too young to even consider becoming the legendary Caped Crusader, there has recently been an online campaign to bring the Batman to Gotham. Collider got the chance to sit down with David Mazouz and chat about the current status of the show and whether or not we will see Batman in the near future.

Batman can’t exist until he’s necessary, and he’s not necessary yet. The world of Gotham has to get a lot worse, which it will. That’s the show. It really is the story of how a city goes from being okay to just being an absolute mess, and there needs to be a Batman to save it.

Season 2 ended with the great reveal that the mysterious Court of Owls have been behind the scenes, pulling the strings of some of the show’s biggest villains. When asked about just how much of an influence the Court of Owls will have on season three, Mazouz had this to say:

The Court of Owls is controlling everybody in Gotham.  The Court of Owls have a major effect on everybody’s life in Season 3. They’re the over-arching villain of the season, but especially for Bruce because he’s realizing their existence and their potential danger.

This certainly sounds exciting. The third season of Gotham premiered last night on Fox, and it looks like there is a lot in store for Bruce Wayne and the rest of the heroes this season.

Joshua Howell

Joshua Howell

Joshua Howell has been a fan of the caped crusader since before he could speak. When he's not reading Batman/Detective Comics, Joshua writes his own novels and graphic novels, including The Fierce Are Fading. His work can be found at