Preview: All Star Batman #4

All Star Batman#4 | “My Own Worst Enemy,” Part 4

Writer: Scott Snyder

Artist: John Romita Jr.

Looks like last issue, Bats has hit a bit of a snag on his journey with good ol’ Harvey Dent. He’s currently in a pretty precarious position at the moment and the preview to All Star Batman #4 gives us a pretty decent taste how he’s handling it.

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Looks like he has a bunch of projectiles embedded at random points into his armor, but I suppose, it’s not completely foreign. He also seems far too calm at the possibility of being blinded.

Check out All Star Batman #4, on sale Wednesday, November 9th, 2016. Catch up with our review of All Star Batman #3 here.

Adam Poncharoen​sub

Adam Poncharoensub is a blogger, movie critic, and Born-Again Batman fan. When he’s not chained to his desk writing, he likes to spend his days spreading the gospel of the Dark Knight in the treacherous suburbs of Miami or working under Dropping Loads Productions, where he co-hosts a comedy podcast and produces sketches.