‘Batman: The Animated Series’ Intro Gets the LEGO Treatment

'Batman: The Animated Series' Intro Gets the LEGO Treatment Dark Knight News

You’re undoubtedly aware that The LEGO Batman Movie is right around the corner and the hype is real. Some fans, however, are more excited and passionate about this film than others, and some are just downright nerds. Two of these nerds go by the names of Kyle Roberts and Nathan Poppe, and they have created something truly amazing.

Now, I am a fan of anything Batman: The Animated Series-related. I am also a fan of anything LEGO-related. So when I found out that there was a stop-motion animation LEGO version of the Batman: The Animated Series intro, I dropped everything to watch it. You can check out the video below and read on to see the details surrounding it!

In the video description – which was posted to Kyle’s YouTube channel – the exact details of the video are shown, which state that:

“It took more than 1,000 photos, 40 hand drawn backgrounds and more than 300 hours of work to complete this stop motion project. Paired with Belgium composer Joris Hermy’s sweeping soundtrack, this tribute is a work of art and a fun, nostalgic trip for Batman fans of all sizes. Joris scored all of the ‘Bad Days’ animated episodes over at MarvelousTV. Tighten your utility belt and get ready to click “watch again” to catch all the Easter eggs.”

While watching the video, you may have also noticed that the music and sound effects had been changed. Another eagle-eared (Vulcan-eared?) fan noticed this, so Kyle addressed it in the comment section of the video.

“Correct! Also we love to cook up everything from scratch in these recreations… we were lucky enough to get Joris Hermy on board for the music. He scored all of Stan Lee’s “Bad Days” episodes!”

This video truly is a testament to what can be achieved with hard work, dedication, and lots of love for your craft. Knowing that hundreds of hours went into this barely two-minute video really shows you the lengths that some Bat-fans will go to in order to profess their love. If you enjoyed this LEGO recreation, be sure to head on over to Kyle’s YouTube channel where you can find a bunch more videos pertaining to everything nerdy.


Tyler Harris

Tyler is an actor by day, hermit by night, and musician by requirement. An avid reader and collector, Tyler has had a love for comics since his first exposure to them in the form of Batman: Knightfall as a child. Since that day, most all of his time and money have been split between his three loves: acting, comic books, and lasagna.