DC All Access: Jim Lee and ‘Super Sons’

DC All Access is back this week with some more great insight into what’s going on at the comic company. Today? We’re getting to hear from the man himself, Jim Lee, and some behind-the-scenes information on one of the company’s latest titles, Super Sons.

Jim Lee Discusses Justice League

It sounds odd to say we’re really excited for a storm, but that’s exactly what we are now that The Wild Storm is almost here. In this new episode of DC All Access, we talk to Publisher Jim Lee about DC’s newest pop up imprint, which reinterprets classic WildStorm characters in compelling new ways under the creative oversight of Warren Ellis. Plus, we preview more of this week’s new comics, including the new Batwoman series, celebrate The LEGO Batman Movie’s success, and give you a chance to win a special Valentine’s Day prize pack.


Super Sons

Like fathers, like sons! In this DC All Access comics clip, we talk to artist Jorge Jimenez about Super Sons, the all new monthly comic starring Damian Wayne and Jon Kent. What’s Jorge’s favorite panel in issue #1? How much of Batman and Superman will we see in the series? And is it possible that the always arguing Damian and Jon are actuallyfriends?



Ryan Lower

A lifelong fan of the Dark Knight, Ryan Lower grew up far from Gotham in Indiana but has planted roots in Chicago. A writer for a T.V. station, he also enjoys brooding at home in his own batcave, devouring Batman comics, shows and movies.