Review: Justice League/Power Rangers #5



Writer: Tom Taylor 

Artist: Stephen Byrne 


Wow! Finally, issue #5 is out. The last issue came out May 2017, so we’ve been waiting…or not. I had to refresh myself a bit, but I’m on a mission to collect each book from this entertaining six-issue-series. Why? Because I grew up with the Justice League and I grew up with the Power Rangers, and seeing them assemble could not make me more gleeful.

The Rangers have experienced the loss of their home by Brainiac’s doing. This infamous Justice League villain is teamed up with the Might Morph’s arch enemy, Zedd. Together they are making a terrifying duo, but we know that our heroes will kick butt!

Tom Taylor knows these characters, and one can tell through his work. He has a genuine care for the heroes because he does them justice. Many of the League members are a decade or two older than the teen Rangers, and so they appear in parent-mode. Similar to how Batman and Superman are with their Supersons, a major sign of a hero is their abilities to connect and understand the youths who need guidance. They instil knowledge and morals, and the Leaguers are written perfectly for this. There are a few charming moments, and I’m always entertained when Batman acts chummy with friends (well, as friendly as he could be, Batman: The Brave and The Bold is an amazing animated show for this, by the way).

Art is spot-on as always! Stephen Bryne has a magnificent talent to create a Saturday-morning cartoon feel. The soft, pastel colors disallow over-the-top panels. My only issue is that some of their faces appear slightly disfigured, the awkward distance between the nose and chin, possibly rushed? But it’s not as if I could draw to this quality, it’s still grand talent! And soft on the eyes.


Fantastic series to follow! I hope you have been collecting them because I foresee that this will be a rare issue to find in the future. Even my comic book shop sold out of this issue Wednesday morning. This series doesn’t carry a complicated, mature plot, these big baddies have been portrayed much more vicious in other reiterations and arcs. This is a family friendly series for sure. It’s a great crossover, filled with fun and teamwork, something the world needs right now.

Images courtesy of DC Entertainment

Sharna Jahangir

Lover of all things Batman. A Masters of Information Science student at the U of Toronto. Passionate about defending citizens as much as Batman, a published in A.I. researcher at National Defense. Junior Editor at A graphic artist, avid blogger, scientific analyst, Sharna's not the best at maintaining a secret identity, but more than strong enough to protect her loved ones.