Casey Affleck Doesn’t Believe Ben Will Be in Standalone Batman Movie

Casey Affleck, younger brother of the Batman himself made an appearance on WEEI’s sports radio show and the conversation hit upon Ben’s involvement in the Matt Reeves directed movie.

“I thought he was an okay Batman. No, he was great. He was great. He’s a hero, so he had something to channel and work with there. But he’s not gonna do that movie, I don’t think. Sorry to say. Is that breaking news? Because I was just kind of making that up, I don’t know.”

The comments Casey made can be taken either as pure sarcasm to rile up the fan community or as someone who caught himself and then suddenly tried to pull it back a bit. Let’s think about this for just a moment.

You have just caught yourself possibly unraveling one of the biggest rumors of this year. Batfleck has been drawing controversy from his initial casting. Do you panic a bit? Backtrack? Claim you were making a joke?

However you look at this, it sounded like a younger brother who might be in a bit of trouble with his older bro…. and that older bro, is BATMAN!

It doesn’t help that the role has been the source of much speculation recently. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the powers that be at Warner Bros. are rumored to be concerned about his age moving forward. At 45 years old, the concern is that he may be too old to film a complete trilogy.

Affleck downplays Batman rumors at Comic-Con

Casey’s comments come not long after Ben himself spoke to fans at Comic-Con. Affleck addressed the crowd in regards to the rumors that have been circulating about how much time he has left in the Batsuit.

“Let me be very clear: I am the luckiest guy in the world,” Affleck told the crowd “Batman is the coolest ******* part in any universe… DC, Marvel.

Ben Affleck as The Batman
Ben Affleck as The Batman

It’s incredible. I’m so thrilled to do it. I know there’s this misconception that because I’m not directing that I’m not enthusiastic about it. It’s ******* amazing.”

Whatever happens we will be seeing him this November in Justice League and right now the official word from Warner Bros. is that Ben Affleck is still the Bat.

What do  you think Casey meant by that comment?

Steven Conroy

Steve has an uncanny skill to remember any film or TV show he has ever seen and recall it with amazingly annoying detail. This is a skill that has proven to be incredibly useless in the real world. Steve is also simply the greatest person you will ever meet.... according to his Mum.