New Behind The Scenes Images From ‘Dark Knight’ Revealed

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Christopher Nolan delivered a brilliant Batman trilogy. The Dark Knight is regarded as one of of the best superhero films of all time, and Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker earned him an Academy Award. Now, ten years after its release, new behind the scenes images have surfaced. Amongst the set are some that have been seen before, but the majority are brand new.


Damian Fasciani

Damian Fasciani

Proud owner and Managing Director of leading fan sites, DC Comics News and Dark Knight News. Our staff make us truely great! A technologist at heart who works out every day, has a huge amount of Spotify playlists, loves Aussie Rules Football, and have a lot of Batman shirts! Yes, I love the Batman and Green Arrow. My Children are my world! Love them with everything I have!