‘Gotham’ Actor Tweets a Photo of Bane Mask, Providing Better Look

For the fifth and final season of Gotham, the cast and crew are intending to deliver on some big promises that have been in the works for four years now. However, nobody expected that we’d be seeing Bane or a variation of him. Shane West will be playing Eduardo Dorrance, which will be a drastic change from his comic book counterpart, whose name we never really knew. Gotham’s version of Bane looks like he will be taking his name from his father, who went by Edmund Dorrance, otherwise known as King Snake.

Last week, EW released the first official photo of Bane and it wasn’t well-received by the public. Although I didn’t hate, the costume, it didn’t quite look like there was a whole lot of time conceptualizing his look before having the costume department cobble it together based on a very limited budget. While we do not know if this version of Bane will be using venom, it seems there’s a intricate mechanical system in place to feed into his mask. After all, venom does exist in the world of Gotham. It certainly makes a bit more sense than Christopher Nolan’s Bane, whose standalone breathing apparatus somehow managed to dull his incredible pain.

The costume, while certainly not being helped by the overly Photoshopped photo, looks more like a pretty badly made cosplay.

Does this mean we’ll hear him clearly talk?

Thankfully, couple days ago after the official photo went live, JW Cortes who plays Detective Alvarez on Gotham, tweeted his own photo of West in costume.

Check it out below:

While his costume is more obscured, we’re getting a better look at his mask. And it looks better. It’s thinner and transparent, looking as if it’ll allow the actor to speak his lines and be heard. Hopefully, they won’t require West to go back and do ADR the way Hardy did in Dark Knight Rises. However, the downside of this photo is that we’re seeing that the mask doesn’t seem to be fixed with any mechanical components or connected to his chest piece. Maybe post-production may add a little something that I’m not seeing in this photo.

You can’t simply introduce Bane and venom and not involve one with the other.

We’ll see some time next year. Gotham season 5 premieres in 2019 on Fox. DKN will keep you updated.


Adam Poncharoen​sub

Adam Poncharoensub is a blogger, movie critic, and Born-Again Batman fan. When he’s not chained to his desk writing, he likes to spend his days spreading the gospel of the Dark Knight in the treacherous suburbs of Miami or working under Dropping Loads Productions, where he co-hosts a comedy podcast and produces sketches.