Chris McKay Confirms Lego Batman 2 is Being Built

The 2017 release of The Lego Batman Movie was a roaring success. We know the charming story: Batman overcomes immense arrogance, and learns to work as part of a team. Director Chris McKay was able to bring us a lighter side to the Dark Knight. It also works as a retelling of the origin of Dick Grayson’s Robin. On a personal note, I believe the current re-branding of Nightwing may have come from this movie.

Robin: Hi, my name’s Richard, but most kids call me Dick.

Batman: Well, kids can be cruel.

Yes, those were lines of dialogue from a kids movie. Over the last few months, with Nightwing’s current mental state, his subtle renaming has made jokes like these a thing of the past.

The Lego Movies have been very ambitious with their dry, witty humor. Many Batman and Lego fans are eager for another run around the block in Lego Gotham City.

Now we have been given a clue about what to expect from Lego Batman 2.

We can all extend big thank you to this eager fan. Chris McKay confirmed on Twitter that early work on Lego Batman 2 has begun. We don’t have any further details right now, but hearing that it’s coming is exciting enough.

Patient Rebuilding

We Lego movie fans have The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part to be excited for, coming in February 2019. There aren’t any details for what the Batman sequel could entail. As a big fan of the work of art that is the first film, the question remains on where the sequel can build on the first. Perhaps we can expect to see some classic comic adventures pieced together in Lego form, or a more proactive vision of the Lego Justice League.

That’s all speculation thus far. It’s good to see the pieces for Lego Batman Two coming together. We’ll have to keep a close ear if any more information starts to rattle around before the release of anything official.

Adam Ray

Adam Ray

I'm a graduate of literature and creative writing and I'm living to write. Be it swords and sorcery, speculative fiction, or Bat news right here. When I want to leave the keyboard alone, find me playing every kind of tabletop game under the suns.