Review: Young Justice #4

“Seven Crises” – Part Four

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artists: Patrick Gleason & John Timms
Color Artists: Alejandro Sanchez & Alex Sinclair
Letterer: Wes Abbott

Review by Philip Clark

I love team comics; be it Teen Titans, or any of the Justice League runs. For me, teams are just much more entertaining to read. I love team dynamics and watching the team grow, both as individuals and as a unit. Young Justice is currently ticking every box.

You want some of your favourite teen heroes? Young Justice has that! Tim Drake Robin, Impulse, Wonder Girl and Superboy all in one title.

You want brand new heroes to join these favourites? Enjoy Jenny Hex, Teen Lantern and Amethyst!

Young Justice even has a mysterious enemy from a far off land, in the form of Dark Lord Opal, from the mysterious planet Gemworld.

If you’re not reading Young Justice right now then you are seriously missing out!

Gemworld’s Crumbling

There’s mystery afoot! Bendis is doing a fabulous job of weaving an interesting and mysterious plot. Since the teleportation in the first issue the group has been trapped on Gemworld. Caught up in it’s political war, our heroes have been taken prisoner by Opal.

Every issue, Bendis teases us with glimpses of plot beats that could come into play later in the story. There have also been flashbacks in every issue after the first, giving us more insight into characters. This issue we got to know one of the new team-members better as we’re shown why Amethyst is fighting back.

Creative Teams Are Gems

Everything about this issue is gorgeous. From the writing to the artwork. The contrast between the prison cells and Amethyst’s flashback is beautiful. It really shows the opposite of light and darkness on Gemworld. Giving the readers a glimpse into what this amazing planet would look like if Dark Lord Opal won. Sanchez and Sinclair do an incredible job with their coloring in this issue. I especially love the second to last page, it’s simply gorgeous.

Speaking of gorgeous, can we just take a moment to appreciate the artwork here? There are some beautifully drawn pages. My two favorite panels both have Superboy, and some incredibly drawn dynamic poses. I am a sucker for those! That’s not all this issue has, though… oh no! It’s also got some great character pieces too. Like Amethyst and Lady Turquoise’s heart to heart, and Amethyst’s defeated look in the prison cells. It’s glorious!


With Bendis’ script work, and the current team of artists on this run, this comic is going places! I seriously cannot recommend this highly enough. If you love team comics, this is for you. Do you love teenage superheroes? This is for you. If you love great art and story in your comics. This. Is. For. You.

This is one of those comics that is is literally for readers of any age. So get out and pick it up! You will not be disappointed.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

Philip Clark

An avid reader and writer. Dungeon diver and Dragon defeater. Love all things superhero. Favourite DC hero is definitely The Flash, closely followed by Nightwing. Writer and Reviewer for DKN. "Seven Times Down. Eight Times Up".