Kate Kane Gets New Ride In New ‘Batwoman’ Promo Video

Article by Chris Foti

Being a part of the Bat-family typically means that you get slick wheels. Whether it’s the Batmobile, Batwing, Batpod, or the Bat…sewer thing he drives in Batman Returns. Being allied with billionaire Bruce Wayne will mean you get cool tools. The same will be said for Kate Kane, as a new promo video shows her getting a new ride in the latest Batwoman promo.

Batwoman made her premiere in the Arrowverse on CW’s crossover event “Elseworlds” last year, when Barry Allen and Oliver Queen went to Gotham City. Batwoman, however, will take place before the events of “Elseworlds”, telling the story of how Ruby Rose’s character first became the protector of Gotham in Batman’s absence. 

In the show’s debut season, we will see Batwoman take on Alice and the Wonderland Gang.

Batwoman will premiere on the CW on October 6th.


Chris Foti

Lifelong fan of Batman and Boston Sports