Review: Young Justice #7

“Lost in the Multiverse” Part One
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artists: John Timms, Dan Hipp & David Lafuente
Color Artists: Gabe Eltaeb & Dan Hipp
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Review by Philip Clark

Young Justice #7. How do I even begin to try and explain it? Insanity. Just pure, comedic insanity. At the end of the last issue, the team found themselves in a world that wasn’t theirs. They weren’t even in the same universe!

Jumping from one universe to another, to another, to another. Things seem to get crazier and crazier with every jump. Really, the only member of the team to take this multiverse jumping in their stride is Impulse. Superboy, however, was having absolutely none of it!


Bendis really has fun with the multiverse jumping in this issue, and you can definitely tell while reading. There are so many almost throwaway jokes and side comments. Plus, we finally get to learn a little more of Teen Lantern‘s backstory.

I absolutely love the dynamic between the team, and while it doesn’t always register, it’s definitely there… you can tell which members of the group have gone through this before. How everyone deals with the strangeness of jumping from universe to universe is brilliant.

Not only is the writing in this issue fantastic, but so’s the artwork. Each different universe has it’s own art style, which is why there are more artists on this issue, but boy do they do a fantastic job! The transitions are so seamless that it doesn’t feel like different artists at all.


Bendis and the creative team have produced yet another quality comic in Young Justice #7. The first six issues were a fantastic introduction to the new team, but I hope that over the next story arc we get to see them grow as a group and start to gel.

Reading through this comic was just so fast and fluid. That’s a testament to the style and writing of this issue. Everything is coming together very nicely, and I look forward to the next chapter!

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

Philip Clark

An avid reader and writer. Dungeon diver and Dragon defeater. Love all things superhero. Favourite DC hero is definitely The Flash, closely followed by Nightwing. Writer and Reviewer for DKN. "Seven Times Down. Eight Times Up".