Mark Hamill Wants People to Wear a Mask

Article by Adam Poncharoensub

With how amazing Mark Hamill has been over the last four decades, it’s difficult to really extol the man anymore than I already have. Hamill’s career built up two generations of nerds from Star Wars to Batman (and to an extent with Avatar: The Last Airbender). Off-camera, Hamill has always been a geek ambassador, historian, and just all-around class act. When have you ever heard anyone say a bad thing about Hamill? Never, right? Well, in light of the current times and the constant fight to help save lives, Hamill decided to do something socially responsible in a lighthearted way. He combined two of his biggest franchises in a Twitter post to plead people to wear a mask.

Let’s get this out of way, this post isn’t to advocate any politics. Wearing a mask doesn’t promote any political stance because it isn’t about politics; it’s simply a safety measure for you and everyone around you. If you wear a mask, you reduce the risk of getting people infected and hopefully, help make progress towards eradicating this deadly virus. With that being said, Hamill took to Twitter in his wonderfully geeky, tongue-in-cheek way to encourage people to wear a mask. Take a look below:

It’s so silly, but works on so many levels. It puts a smile on your face (hopefully, as wide and maniacal as the mask), but doesn’t detract from the message. If you even look at his profile picture, the younger Luke Skywalker is wearing a mask too. Once again, Hamill proves himself a class act by using his platform to send out an incredibly responsible message, and he didn’t even have to be preachy or cerebral with it.

Folks, be like Luke Skywalker and Mark Hamill, and wear a mask!

The comments also revealed that the maker of the Joker mask has made it available for purchase, and that a portion of the proceeds will be going to charity. Grab your Joker mask here.

Adam Poncharoen​sub

Adam Poncharoensub is a blogger, movie critic, and Born-Again Batman fan. When he’s not chained to his desk writing, he likes to spend his days spreading the gospel of the Dark Knight in the treacherous suburbs of Miami or working under Dropping Loads Productions, where he co-hosts a comedy podcast and produces sketches.