HBO Max Series by Matt Reeves Could be Set Before ‘The Batman’

GQ Interview Dark Knight News Greig Fraser
Article by Adam Poncharoensub

A couple days ago, huge news broke that Matt Reeves, Terence Winter, and Dylan Clark were working on a The Batman spin-off TV series. Set to air on HBO Max. The show will take place in the standalone universe created in Matt Reeves’ The Batman. Not much has been revealed regarding its premise, but we do know that it will focus on the corruption that runs deep within the roots upon which Gotham City was founded. However, a scoop revealed that these stories could actually take place before The Batman.

Deadline broke the announcement of the series, however, a Variety reporter by the name of Justin Kroll weighed in on the news. Taking to Twitter, Kroll revealed his hot tip:


In the tweet, he confirmed that the series will take place before The Batman, acting as a prologue of sorts to set up the characters, city, and likely the central conflict that RBattz will face. While Kroll makes it clear that he doesn’t know if RBattz will make an appearance, if the series is about Gotham City, I doubt a masked vigilante will turn up frequently, if at all. It’s more likely that he’ll get a mention, or maybe a big guest-starring event once or twice, but he definitely won’t be a regular.

Can we trust Justin Kroll? It’s hard to say. He is a writer for Variety, which is a very legitimate publication, and often breaks important news. Though it’s a very believable scoop, I’d take it with a grain of salt. There’s a reason why it ended up in a Tweet as opposed to a full article.

Personally, I like that they’re expanding Reeves’ Batman universe. It’s a cool idea, and brings about a new continuity to follow aside from the Arrowverse. My only gripe is the fact that this is basically Gotham Part Deux: Electric Boogaloo. We had a show about Gotham City which ended last year. Though it wasn’t the gritty crime drama that everyone expected it to be, this new show is just a little too close to just being a kind of reboot.

What do you think? Are you up for a new series focusing on Gotham City?

Stay tuned to DKN for more updates.

Adam Poncharoen​sub

Adam Poncharoensub is a blogger, movie critic, and Born-Again Batman fan. When he’s not chained to his desk writing, he likes to spend his days spreading the gospel of the Dark Knight in the treacherous suburbs of Miami or working under Dropping Loads Productions, where he co-hosts a comedy podcast and produces sketches.