Adam Poncharoen​sub

Adam Poncharoensub is a blogger, movie critic, and Born-Again Batman fan. When he’s not chained to his desk writing, he likes to spend his days spreading the gospel of the Dark Knight in the treacherous suburbs of Miami or working under Dropping Loads Productions, where he co-hosts a comedy podcast and produces sketches.

Batman, Incorporated Ends on Issue #13, Cover Reveal

Looks like Grant Morrison's title Batman, Incorporated will conclude with Issue #13. Click the jump for the release...

Infinite Crisis Profiles Nightmare Batman and Wonder Woman

Infinite Crisis, WB's forthcoming Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA), looks to feature superheroes and villains of different worlds....

Rumor: Current Team Not Behind It, Justice League Movie May Not Happen

Last month, we got a few a rumors about the Justice League live-action movie that ignited rampant discussion....


Batman and Detective Comics are announced to have their second annuals coming out on the same day on...

Rest Your Batman Comic Books on These Bat-Shaped Coffee Tables

So as far as Batman-themed furniture, what have you ever dreamed of? Maybe a Bat-shaped headboard to go...

City of Petaluma also has their Own Batman

One of the most inspiring things about Batman (there are so many more) is that he proves that...

Live-Action Batman Movie Villains Marching To Trouble in These Animated Gifs

A few days back, I saw these fantastic animated gifs comb the Interwebz and just now noticed that...

Vatican Unintentionally Tweets about Batman

Generally speaking, I try to keep religion off my radar and out of my mouth. It has almost...

Baltimore Batman’s Got a New Ride and Intends to Travel Across Country

Remember Lenny Robinson? You probably don’t recognize his secret identity, but he’s what folks have been calling the...

Facebook Edits Suggest Batman: Arkham 3 Announcement Nears, Arkham 3 to Re-Use Unreal Engine 3

I'm not that big of a gamer. Every so often, I may play a game or so simply...