‘Beware The Batman’ July 2014 Air Date Schedule
July is just around the corner and we have Cartoon Network's air date schedule for Beware The Batman, along...
Beyond The Bat: Superman #32 Review
SUPERMAN #32 by Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. Welcome to the first edition of "Beyond The Bat",...
Latest ‘DC All Access’ Offers You A Chance To Win A Trip To The Batman VIP Tour
This week's DC All Access features some very interesting stuff. First, legendary artist John Romita, Jr. spills some beans regarding Superman #32,...
‘Gotham City Sirens’ Fan Film Teaser Trailer
The great thing about Batman's corner of the DC Universe is that it features characters so rich they...
Rumor: Batman Solo Film Coming In 2019
This will be the second article I write today in which I say I normally don't give credence...
Jason Momoa Talks Aquaman With Jimmy Kimmel
I've been outspoken when it comes to sensationalism in journalism; it's something I'm not a fan of. Rumors...
Jim Lee’s Batman To Grace Cover Of SDCC Souvenir Book
If you're a Batman fan attending San Diego Comic Con next month, then there's no way you can...
Troy Baker Talks ‘Assault On Arkham’ On Latest ‘DC All Access’
Joker lovers won't want to miss the latest episode of DC All Access. In the video above, Troy Baker...
Multiple Trades Confirm Jason Momoa Is Aquaman
This past weekend the internet exploded when Hitfix alleged that Jason Momoa (Games of Thrones, Conan The Barbarian) was officially...
Has The Identity Of The ‘Arkham Knight’ Been Revealed?
In the video above, you can see an interview from E3 that 4Player Network conducted with the lead animator at...