Eric Joseph

Eric Joseph

After falling into a vat of chemicals, this fellow adopted the name "Eric Joseph." Some say he is a freelance writer, while others say he can be found frequenting conventions and nightspots in the Detroit area. Needless to say, he prefers his background to be multiple choice.

UPDATED: First ‘Gotham’ Set Pics Of Bruce Wayne & Parents, Selina Kyle

When I said "stay tuned to Dark Knight News" for updates on Gotham, I really meant it. The...

Check Out Harley Quinn’s Cameo On ‘Arrow’

In the video above, you can view Harley Quinn's very brief cameo from Arrow Season 2 Episode 16,...

Forever Evil #7, Nightwing #30 & Justice League #30 Delayed Until May

It's about time to stress the "Fooorrrrevvvvvverrrrrr" in DC's current crossover event, Forever Evil. The concluding issue, originally...

‘Gotham’ Pilot Set Pics Feature Gordon, Penguin & Bullock

The pilot episode for Gotham has begun filming this week. Pictures from the set are being made public....

Harley Quinn, Suicide Squad Discussed In Latest ‘DC All Access’

This week in the latest episode of DC All Access, Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner, the creative team...


SMALLVILLE: ALIEN #4 by Bryan Q. Miller and Edgar Salazar I guess the first thing I should point...

Fox Launches Official Website For ‘Gotham’ TV Series

Today Fox launched the official website for its upcoming TV series, Gotham. Below you can read the lengthy...

Kevin Smith & Ralph Garman Team Up For New Batman Comic

Today it was announced, via USA Today, that filmmaker/ comic book writer Kevin Smith (Batman: Cacophony, The Widening...

Peter Tomasi Teases Batman 75th Anniversary Event For This Summer

Batman and Aquaman #29 Peter Tomasi, writer of the book I refer to as "The Title Formerly Known...


DETECTIVE COMICS #29 by John Layman and Aaron Lopresti This week John Layman ends his spectacular year and...