Forever Evil: Blight Announced
When Forever Evil was launched, it quickly spread out over the entire DCU -- it quickly became the...
Geoff Johns Talks About Forever Evil #2, Nightwing and Teen Titans
Spoiler warning: if you don't' want Forever Evil #1 spoiled for you, don't read this article. In...
Wii U Version of Arkham Origins Will Cost Less — But What’s The Catch?
Batman and Robin multiplayer mode The Wii U version of Batman: Arkham Origins will be sold for $50, as opposed to...
Possible Leaked Achievements for Arkham Origins: Sixth Assassin Revealed?
A trophy list for Arkham: Origins was just leaked online, with 50 trophies total including both the single-player...
Preview Pages Released for Killer Croc — Batman and Robin #23.4
The final week of Villains Month is here, and this week's issue of Batman and Robin features Killer...
Preview Pages Released For Scarecrow — Detective Comics #23.3
As villains month approaches its home stretch, the Scarecrow will be making his appearance in Detective Comics #23.3,...
New Batwoman Writer Talks About Marriage, Controversy, Where To Go Next
After writers J. H. Williams and Haden Blackman absconded from the Batwoman title, they left a huge controversy...
Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Letterman — Why He’s Not the New Batman
When the Dark Knight Rises came out, the ending left a lot of speculation and controversy as to whether...
Why Batwoman’s Wedding Should Be Included
New writer for Batwoman is Marc Andreyko. Click the jump to see more. News came in today that...
Villains Month Preview — the Court of Owls
Villains Month is taking the comics scene by storm, and this time -- as if their previous arc...